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About us
Your Trusted Name in
For 40 years RDI Transport has been supplying a quality service to Jurien Bay and surrounding areas. Originally focusing on general freight, RDI Transport has grown to offer bricks and pavers, limestone and concrete products and is the agent for both TOLL IPEC and Startrack.
On the first of July 1982, Ron, Doreen, Rhonda and Ian Holland founded RDI Transport. Concerning itself with fuel cartage and general freight RDI Transport offered a Perth/Jurien freight service one day a week. Moving away from fuel RDI Transport shifted focus to general freight and grain cartage with increased Perth to Jurien runs to meet increasing demand. In July 2000, Rhonda and Ian Holland purchased all shares in the business becoming the current owners.
No longer transporting grain, RDI Transport's focus is now on general freight with multiple Perth to Jurien runs operated throughout the week. We have also branched out to supply and deliver a range of products such as limestone blocks, bricks, pavers and concrete products